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Elevate Your Transformation Journey For Free
Market Minds Academy is proud to announce our strategic partnership with MindValley, the world’s leading transformational platform. With a community of over 20 million changemakers globally, MindValley has been at the forefront of personal growth and self-improvement.
We’re not just another trading academy. We’re a movement. A revolution. And with MindValley by our side, we’re creating an ecosystem of unparalleled growth. While we arm you with cutting-edge trading strategies, MindValley ensures your personal evolution is nothing short of extraordinary.
Choose Your Free Master Class & Begin Your Quest for Mastery!
As a privileged student of Market Minds Academy, you’re now entitled to MindValley’s Master Classes, absolutely FREE. These aren’t ordinary classes; they’re masterclasses crafted by the world’s most sought-after experts.
The Business Freedom Blueprint
The Business Freedom Blueprint is a six-week online program with international entrepreneur and business mentor Eric Edmeades.
In these six weeks, you’ll join Eric for just 20 minutes a day through in-depth training videos, as he equips you with the tools, frameworks, and processes for building a highly optimized and automated business.
What you discover in the program can be applied instantly both in your business, and in your life as an entrepreneur.
And once you complete it, you’ll emerge with a system you’ll use throughout your entrepreneurial journey to achieve and accelerate all your goals: professional and personal.
Becoming Focused & Indestructible
Zero To $100 Million is a 7-week online program that guides you through Miki Agrawal’s signature formula for envisioning and building your high-impact brand and business. Throughout the program, you’ll join Miki in daily 20-minute video lessons encompassing every part of the formula: from developing and refining your idea, to building your brand, and dialing in your marketing, PR, funding, and community building strategies.
By the end of your journey, you’ll have all the strategies, frameworks, and inspiration you need to grow a brand fuelled by meaning and momentum: and that creates vast abundance for you, your loved ones, and the planet.
Money EQ
The Money EQ Program takes you on a 21-day journey towards elevating your Money EQ: and in turn, your finances and your life.
Divided into 3 weeks, the Program features daily guidance by Ken Honda himself, as he guides you through a series of daily training videos and exercises designed to transform your relationship with money.
By the end of the program, you’ll experience lifelong changes to how you think about money. Your capacity to earn, multiply, invest, and give back money. And ultimately, how you harness money to create unshakable prosperity and peace of mind.
Zero to $100 Million
Scale Your Business To $1M is a 22-day online program for growth-focused entrepreneurs of all levels.
On each day you’ll join Verne Harnish and co-host Hazel Jackson for a 10-20+ minute video lesson on the key principles of fast, efficient, and sustainable business scaling.
Instead of loose academic theories, you’re given field-tested tools and techniques, perfected through practical application across thousands of companies: all of which you can apply immediately for high-impact and measurable results in various aspects of your business and performance as an entrepreneur.
By the end of the program, you’ll have all the tools you need to facilitate game-changing growth in all key dimensions of your business.
Be Extraordinary
The Be Extraordinary Quest guides you through an easy-to-follow 30-day curriculum. Each of these days focuses on a unique aspect of rising up through the 3 stages of peak performance and rapid achievement – allowing you to evolve yourself and grow at a steady, enjoyable pace.
Throughout the Quest, you’ll take a deep look at your personal systems of living and models of reality. You’ll see your own patterns and beliefs in a whole new light. And, you’ll gain 18 empowering tools you can use to instantly upgrade your inner programming, allowing you to permanently transform how you think, perform, and show up in the world.
Once you reach the end, you’ll have all the tools and insights you need to start living with the Be Extraordinary roadmap.
Lifebook Online
Lifebook Online is a step-by-step process for envisioning, planning, and achieving your best life through your very own Lifebook.
Through a curriculum of beautifully produced training videos and coaching calls, Jon and Missy Butcher will guide you through the 12 dimensions of your life – and help you create a unified vision for each one.
Throughout the process, you’ll unearth the hidden beliefs and subconscious patterns holding you back from your fullest potential and most authentic self. Then, you’ll dive deep into your core identity and desires, as you gain priceless clarity on what you really want in life, why you want it, and how you’re going to get it.
The entire process requires 3 – 6 hours a week for 6 weeks: a supremely worthwhile investment for a process that will forever change how you view and approach your life and your goals.
Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance
The Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy™ for Abundance program is an easy-to-follow process for reprogramming your subconscious beliefs – and creating fast, profound, lasting transformation in the most important areas of your life.
For 35 days, you join your hypnotherapist Marisa Peer in a series of simple 20 – 40 minute daily sessions, designed to simulate a private therapy session with Marisa (which normally costs thousands of dollars and has a waiting list booked months in advance).
Whether you’re holding onto financial beliefs carried from your childhood, struggling to overcome health issues, or trying to break unhealthy cycles of dysfunction in relationships, you’ll finally break free from every internal struggle standing between you and limitless abundance.
Silva Ultramind System
The Silva Ultramind System is a 28-day online program hosted by Mindvalley founder and Silva instructor Vishen Lakhiani. In just 15 – 20 easy minutes a day, you’ll be guided through The Silva Method’s signature tools and training for harnessing your mind’s altered states of consciousness.
As you progress, you’ll start channeling your inner powers in often-surprising ways. For instance, your intuition and creativity will flourish. Ingenious solutions and a-ha moments will rush into your mind. You’ll even feel greater outpourings of confidence and love for yourself.
By the end of the program, you’ll have total mastery of your mind’s full scope of abilities – and in turn, a clear path towards your fullest human potential.
The M Word
The M Word program gives you the tools to learn and master modern meditation.
For 33 days, you’ll enjoy Emily’s easy, proven, and effective approach to meditation. Emily will take you through each day step-by-step, helping you achieve better sleep, more energy, and greater productivity.
As these lessons are gently downloaded into your consciousness, you’ll emerge with a powerful and personalised meditative practice of your own.
In short, you’re sure to see results and you’ll never feel ‘bored’ or ‘short-changed’ when meditating again.
Uncompromised Life
The Uncompromised Life program is an 8-week deep dive into your mind – and the thought patterns and models of reality that shape your life. Every week, you’ll join Marisa Peer on a series of interactive Transformational Hypnotherapy sessions – one for each of the eight mind shifts – that empower you through tutorials, hypnotic exercises, and Q&A sessions designed to unlock your fullest potential as a Super Achiever.
Each of these transformations triggers a meteoric upgrade on qualities like your confidence, self-esteem, career performance, relationships, self-belief, work ethic, and more: all stepping stones towards your uncompromised life. It’s a liberating, mind-expanding experience that takes less than two hours per week. And perhaps for the time ever, it will open your eyes and guide you towards what you’re really capable of.